
56432402 - 021

Communication with the complex

[email protected]

Working hours: 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m

Tehran - Rabat Karim city

 Imam Khomeini Boulevard, not reaching Ghadir Square

Contact Us

Why should you choose us?

Sara entertainment business complex was the best!

Sara complex was built in Rabat Karim city in 2016 on a land of 10,000 thousand square meters. The purpose of building Sara is to have a safe and stylish recreation center for dear families of the city.


A safe structure

Sarah is safe in every way.


free service

Shuttle service within the city

Suitable for photography

A perfect location for photography



The best location in Rabat Karim city

Direct connection with Sara complex

56433622 - 021 and 56432402 - 021

Collection contact number

021-56427725 and 021-56425656

Hall contact number


021 - 56887384

Shahrabazi contact number


[email protected]

Working hours: 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m

Thursday and Friday and holidays: 10:00 AM to 11:00 PM


Tehran - Rabat Karim city

Imam Khomeini Blvd. – not reaching Ghadir Square – Sara Entertainment Commercial Complex


Text connection with Sara complex
